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Inspiring Story


By February 25, 2025No Comments

I came home from work late on a Thursday and noticed that Juno was acting strange. She was very uncomfortable and just not herself. I thought she maybe ate a cat toy which isn’t unusual for my dogs and they typically throw them up. I had supper and then went to feed the dogs and she was not interested in her food at all. I got her to take a couple bites and not 5 minutes later she puked it up. She drank some water after that and puked more. I knew something was really wrong then.

We drove the 45 minutes to the animal emergency hospital and she was taken for some tests and x-rays. They didn’t think it looked like a blockage but gave us the option to leave her and they will give fluids and take more x-rays to see if anything comes up or we could bring her home and just keep an eye on her. We decided that being as we were an hour away that we would leave her for the night and see what happens. Next day comes and she still won’t eat and she isn’t feeling great so they still want to keep her to make sure she’s okay. More x-rays and still doesn’t look like anything is blocked.

They kept her another night on fluids and the next day on the newest x-ray finally they saw there was in fact a blockage of some kind. It wasn’t moving as quickly as they would have liked so she went to emergency surgery to remove whatever was in there. Surgery went well thanks to her being on the fluids for a few days and being well cared for by the hospital staff. I was very pleased with the updates and the pictures sent were so nice even though she looked so sad! She was able to come home the day after her surgery and while the recovery was a little rough on her she finally got her stiches out 2 weeks after surgery and is pretty much back to herself. As for the foreign body, it was a piece of mulch from our backyard. All of our dogs chew on the mulch and we never expected it to cause any issues as it hasn’t for the past 15 years of having it!

We’re so thankful for the care our girl received and so very happy that she has made a full recovery. 💛